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Workplace Optimization: Office Attendance (Cisco Wi-Fi)
Workplace Optimization: Office Attendance (Cisco Wi-Fi)
Updated over a year ago

The Office Attendance report is a dedicated report for customers that have enabled Cisco Wi-Fi integration. All the data given through the integrations are visualized and give you insights in your office attendance based on the Wi-Fi data offered by Cisco.

What do I see?

For customers that do have the right setup Mapiq offers insights into office attendance.

  • How are employees attending the different offices?

  • Within the different offices, how are individual floors utilized?

  • Do we see a trend over time?

  • Are specific weekdays more popular or quiet compared to others?

  • How is the office utilized throughout the day?

All these insights can be further explored by cross filtering on specific days or floors. The attendance is compared with the maximal workspace capacity configured. This is either the sum of the workspace capacity per building or per floor in each individual building.

How many people attend the office?

For the selected period, we calculate the average number of calibrated people counted per day. E.g. last 4 weeks is selected, we show per building what the average number of calibrated people counted per day are.

If you want to view the attendance per floor, make sure you select the right building in the dropdown. By default it will select All buildings which will give you the sum of the attendance for all Floor 1s in your portfolio.

By selecting a specific building, through the filter or by clicking on the specific bar, you can filter the report and deep dive into this specific building and see how it compares with the rest of your portfolio. You can do the same for a specific floor.

Office attendance over time

The office attendance over time graphs in the report provides insights in how the office attendance is changing over time.

You can deep dive into the historical trend looking back at the previous weeks (depending on the period filter set) and spot patterns throughout the week, allowing you to identify on which specific days the office attendance is relatively higher, lower or hitting the maximum workspace capacity.

Finally over the course of the day, you can spot at what specific moment during the day your office or specific floors are experiencing peak or low moments.

Comparison between planned office days to actual office attendance

For organizations that also have check-in data and/or have employees indicate whether they are planning to come to the office, the Cisco office attendance can be compared.

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