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Search Resources On The Map
Search Resources On The Map
Updated this week

Mapiq and maps go hand-in-hand, perhaps because it's in our name. Admins work hard on making maps for the end-users so it's clear where people book their spot in the office. Next to the booking flow, Mapiq also uses the floorplan to show available workspaces and meeting rooms on a map. With this development, we also allow end-users to enjoy all the maps created to find any resource on the map, no integrations needed!

This feature is available for every customer that have a map setup in their subscription, integration or not needed. Mapiq also offers professional drawing services to optimize your floorplan for orientation and appeal. Good maps are key in finding the correct resources. Reach out to your Customer Success manager if you would be interested in these services.

The Explore Tab

On the Find page, a new tab is introduced next to Rooms and Workspaces. Click on the magnifying glass to open the Explore tab. The Explore tab has a similar layout as the other Find pages, where you see your searchable items on the left side and the floorplan on the right.

The Explore tab allows you to:

  • Search for any room, workspace or facility through the search bar;

  • Search for any room, workspace or facility through the category grid, with predefined filtering on specific resources;

  • Filter on resources by using a combination of the filter buttons, category grid and search term(s);

  • Directly visualize this on the map by highlighting all the available resources.

Navigating the Explore Tab

Click on the magnifying glass in the Find tab to open the Explore tab. By default the Explore tab will start on the lowest published floor (usually the ground floor). From here you can navigate through the building by filtering, or clicking on the floorplan directly. Find the table below to understand the coloring used per call out.




This resource is not selected or filtered on.


The resources matches any of the filters (categories, filter, search entry).


Resource or resource group is selected.

All selected resources areas will always be highlighted blue behind the call out.

Changing floors

There are a few ways to change floors, you can:

  • Search (through the categories or search bar) for a resources on another floor and select it;

  • Click on Filter >> Floor X and remove the floor filter directly to return to the category overview.

Selected resource

A resource that is selected, either through the list view or through the map directly, will open a separate window with more information about the selected resource.

Important to note is that you are unable to book anything through the Explore tab! Navigate back to the other Find tabs to actually book a workspace or meeting room.

Move between Find tabs

The magnifying glass allows you to access the Explore tab, but if you ever want to go back to the other Find tabs, you can do so by clicking the back button next to the search bar.

In case you have a search term entered, the back button will also clear the search term first. Click once more to move back to the other tabs.

In case no other integrations are enabled to showcase the Rooms or Workspaces tabs, the back button will not have this effect.

Filtering on resources

The key element on the Explore tab, is to find the resources you need. As explained, this can be accomplished by using the search bar, categories or filter button. Regardless of the filter used, after entering a filter criterium, the category view will change to a list view, displaying all the available resources that match your filtering criterium. You can drill down, by stacking filters.

Search bar

Leveraging the search bar enables you to search for anything by typing in the name of the resource. All resources that contain these characters are displayed. This means that resources on other floors are also shown in the list view. Note, however, that the map will only show you the resource that is on the selected floor! By either selecting the resources from another floor via the list or adding another floor filter, will the map change to another floor.

Next to filtering on a specific workspace, meeting room or facility name, you can also search on the resource type (workspace, meeting room or facility). For example, entering Workspaces in the search bar will return all the resources that have the type Workspaces and all the resources that contain workspaces in its name.

For facilities this won't directly work, as there are many different facility types already. For this you'll have to enter a facility type, like Toilet or Printer to search the facilities.


The grid containing all the categories, has already made a separation between the resource types used by Mapiq. Meeting rooms, Workspaces and Facilities. The Facilities have already been split into the specific facility types (this is inline with searching a resource type with the search bar). Click on any of the categories to get an overview of all the resources of that type. Narrow down your search by adding other filters on top through the Filter button.

Filter button

The filter button (visible on the map in the top left) allows you to add a filter on top of your entered search term or selected category. The current filter button allows you to filter on Floor and Resource (meeting room, workspace or facility). It's ideal to use on top of existing filters to drill down.

The filters activated through the filter button are persistent, meaning that if you change tab, the selection is remembered when you return back to the Explore tab.

Removing filters

The moment your filters have no results, or you want to go back to the starting page, you'll need to remove your filter. It is slightly dependent on the filter in play, but they can be removed by clicking on the cross next to the select filters.

In case you have any text in the search bar, you can also use the back button to remove the search term. Note that this does not work for the filter added through the filter button, this is persistent! This means you will navigate back to the Find page when you have no search term and select the back button.

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