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Mapiq for Employees
Guides and step-by-step instructions for getting the most out of Mapiq
25 articles
Day Overview & Week OverviewEfficiently manage your time with a detailed view of your day and week
Workspace vs. Workday Booking
Make a Workday booking
Add Parking to your Workday
Adding Your License PlateRegister your license plate for a hassle-free parking access
Create a Group booking
Download Your Booking HistoryStay organized with insights into past reservations
Share Your Booking with Connections
Checking In at Your Office
Booking your workday
Navigating the Map in Here & NowUnderstand how you can effectively use the map in the Here & Now app to find what you need in your office.
Room availability & order logicLearn how available rooms are displayed when looking through the Here & Now page.
Book a room through Here & NowLearn what you need to do to make a booking through the Here & Now page, allowing you to make ad-hoc bookings.
Workspace Occupancy - Locate Available Workspaces On the Go
Search Resources On The Map