You can go ahead and publish your parking lot setup when you're satisfied with it. However, you may encounter validation and error messages during the publishing process. This article guides you through some of the most common issues.
Error Validations
When publishing a parking lot, Mapiq validates the following items:
The parking lot has a unique name;
Parking zones within the same parking lot have unique names. Parking zone names can be reused in other parking lots;
The parking lot name does not exceed the character limit of 32;
The capacity limit for the parking lot (Total capacity and the sum of the zone capacity) does not exceed 10,000;
Required fields are filled;
Assigned buildings need to be in the same time zone.
No Building Linked?
It's possible to publish a parking lot without linking it to a building, thus making it invisible to end-users. However, to make the parking lot visible, you must first connect a building to it.
β οΈ Note that this isn't considered an error since publishing a parking lot without a building relation is allowed.
Error Messages
If Mapiq encounters an error during validation, you are notified to take action as an administrator. The error message explains the issue and provides a quick solution.
Two important error messages are highlighted below:
If a building is deleted, republishing the building is necessary to update the data. Users will not be impacted without this publishing action. | Administrators are notified that a parking lot is not visible to end-users when a building is not associated with a parking lot. The administrator is not prohibited from publishing. |
Decreasing the Total Capacity in an active parking lot, you may run into an overcapacity issue. In such cases, Mapiq cancels reservations in order of the last created. The cancellation takes place after publishing.
π¨ User notifications are not part of the parking solution and must be handled manually.
Published States
The publishing state of a parking lot is displayed in the overview on the Parking tab. Under the Published column, different states are shown:
State | Description |
Unpublished | This state appears when the parking lot is in the draft and has yet to be published. |
Unpublished changes | This state appears when changes are made to a parking lot but have yet to be published. |
Date published | This state shows when the parking lot was published. It remains in this state until changes are introduced, at which point it changes to Unpublished changes. |