Enabling Occupancy with PointGrab
Updated over a week ago

Mapiq offers a native integration with PointGrab, a leading sensor provider providing real-time occupancy data. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to enable and optimize the PointGrab integration within Mapiq.

In this article, we'll review what type of data you can measure and how to enable occupancy with PointGrab within Mapiq.

Note: To access and utilize the occupancy features powered by PointGrab within Mapiq, you must have the Occupancy add-on enabled for your subscription. If you’re uncertain whether this add-on is included in your package or wish to acquire it, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager.

Supported Occupancy with PointGrab

PointGrab sensors are designed to measure two primary types of occupancy:

  • People Count

  • Availability

These sensors are available as both workspace- and room (PIR) sensors, and they can be connected to various building elements in Mapiq, including:

  • Desks

  • Areas

  • Facilities

  • Meeting Rooms

Connecting sensors to specific parts of your building is achieved through what we call “commissioning”. For a detailed guide, we recommend you look at our Commissioning Sensors article.

Enabling the PointGrab Integration

The status of whether the PointGrab integration is enabled or not can be monitored within the Admin Portal under Settings > Integrations:

Administrators cannot manually toggle and enable this integration. Instead, Mapiq oversees the process of enabling PointGrab for your Mapiq environment, ensuring a smooth and automated experience. Once the integration is enabled, the status button will indicate it with an “enabled state”.

Note: Enabling the integration is only the first step; it doesn’t mean immediate data flow.

Post-Enablement Steps

Once the integration is enabled in your environment, a series of steps ensure effective communication between PointGrab and Mapiq. This requires floorplans to be drawn in, in both PointGrab and Mapiq, as well as physically installing and commissioning the sensors within Mapiq.

Here’s a brief overview of the whole process (taking the scenario that you purchased a completely new PointGrab system):

  1. PointGrab receives a notification about a new installation and configuration.

  2. Sensors are prepared and dispatched by PointGrab.

  3. PointGrab creates a detailed floorplan and commissions devices (sensors) within their platform.

  4. Mapiq connects with PointGrab, linking to the newly created building and associated floors.

  5. PointGrab sensors are automatically imported into Mapiq, initiating data communication.

  6. A final commissioning within Mapiq solidifies the linkage between PointGrab sensors and the platform.

Importing & Commissioning PointGrab Sensors

After the initial setup, existing and new sensors - already created in PointGrab’s CPMS - are automatically imported into the associated building. Administrators receive notifications about new sensor imports, prompting them to commission these sensors within the building.

It’s worth noting that when it comes to commissioning these sensors within Mapiq, PointGrab provides location suggestions to Mapiq based on the building linkage and the connection between the two platforms. However, administrators have the flexibility to override these suggestions if needed.

Professional Services

Mapiq offers specialized services, including drafting floorplans and commissioning sensors to the appropriate building elements. If you need help or are interested in these services, please don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

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