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Mapiq for Admins
Using Occupancy Data
Filter On & Understand Your Sensor Data
Filter On & Understand Your Sensor Data
Updated over a week ago

Harnessing the power of sensor data is pivotal for optimizing building spaces and enhancing user experiences. However, to truly leverage this data, understanding its intricacies and how to interpret it is crucial. This article delves into the properties of sensors, how to filter and search for specific data, and the importance of analytics in making informed decisions.

Sensor Properties

Each sensor within the Mapiq system comes with a set of properties that provide detailed information about its functionality and location.

Here's a breakdown of these properties:

Sensor Property


Sensor ID

A unique identifier for each sensor.


Specifies where the sensor is placed within the building.


Indicates the floor level where the sensor is located.


The specific area or zone within the floor where the sensor is placed.


Metrics related to the sensor's operational efficiency.


The manufacturer or company that provides the sensor.

Daily Traffic

Data related to the number of detections or readings the sensor takes daily, visualised with a sparkling graph.

Data per Hour

How frequently the sensor sends data: number of updates received, divided by the hours elapsed.

Last Received Data

The most recent data point received from the sensor.

Last Updated

The last time the sensor's data or settings were updated.

Filtering & Searching Sensor Data

With a plethora of sensors deployed, it's essential to have tools that allow for easy navigation and data retrieval. Sensor filtering in Mapiq is powerful, especially when you want to edit or delete specific groups of sensors. Filtering can be done on the Location and Floor columns. The sensor overview is dynamically updated depending on the criteria (search terms or active filters).

Mapiq offers powerful filtering and search functionalities:

  • Location-Based Filtering:
    Allows you to filter sensors based on their location properties, such as desks, meeting rooms, facilities, areas, floors, buildings, or even unknown locations.

⚠️ When setting up facilities, you are not required to give them a name, as opposed to meeting rooms, desks, parking locations, etc. Therefore keep in mind that in such case you won't be able to search or filter on those facilities until you provide them with a name.

  • Floor-Based Filtering:
    Enables filtering based on specific floors.

  • Search Functionality:
    A crucial tool that complements filtering. By typing in specific criteria, like an area name, you can quickly view sensors associated with that particular area or meeting room. This search functionality works seamlessly with active filters, ensuring you get the most accurate results.

Interpreting Analytics Reports

With the raw data collected from sensors, Mapiq's Analytics transforms this information into visual, easy-to-understand reports. These reports can show trends over time, comparisons between spaces, and provide insights into space utilization.

To learn more about how sensor occupancy reports work we'd recommend to check out the following articles:

Making Data-Driven Decisions

With a clear understanding of sensor data and analytics you can:

  • Optimize Space: Understand which areas are underutilized and consider repurposing them.

  • Enhance User Experience: If a particular space is frequently occupied, consider expanding or replicating its features elsewhere.

  • Re-allocate resources: Allocate resources, like cleaning or maintenance, based on space utilization patterns.

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