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Mapiq's Updated Admin Homepage
Mapiq's Updated Admin Homepage
Updated over a week ago

Mapiq has revamped its Admin Portal homepage, tailoring it to the needs of workplace leaders like you. This enhanced platform is now more intelligent, actionable, and personalized. The redesigned homepage presents crucial statistics, emerging trends, and areas that need your attention, guiding you directly to relevant resources and reports within the platform.

These updates are available for all subscriptions, aiming to help you make data-driven decisions and improve your workplace setup.

In this article, you will learn about the updates to Mapiq's Admin Portal homepage, which provides workplace leaders with essential and up-to-date information.

Personalization & Filtering

Upon opening the new homepage, you will receive a personalized welcome message with your name and profile picture. This information is shared with the Employee App.

If you'd like to change your profile picture, you can visit your profile in the Employee App. For more detailed instructions on setting up and managing your profile picture with Mapiq, please look at our guide: Setting Up Your Profile Picture.

Building Filter

To ensure that the content displayed on the home page is relevant to workplace leaders and facility managers, you now have the option to filter down to a specific building. The filter contains all published buildings within your global portfolio, allowing you to focus on all your buildings or one exact location. This filter will be applied to all widgets available to your specific admin role within Mapiq.

Note: The building filter currently only allows selecting "all buildings" or "one specific building". It is not possible to filter on a select few buildings at the moment.

Preferred Building

By default, the first building you see is based on your preference, providing convenience and efficiency by automatically selecting the most relevant building for you. You can change the default building under the Settings Tab, regardless of your level of permissions as a Mapiq admin.

You can customize this setting for yourself, as it will only affect your view. Other Mapiq administrators will see their own set of preferences.

Smart Widgets

The new homepage is divided into sections, each containing a set of smart widgets. Some widgets are static, while others are dynamic. The grid system is responsive and only shows content relevant to your admin role and your subscription with Mapiq. The widgets in each section have priority rules that determine whether they are displayed. Below, you'll find the specific rules for each widget.

There are three main categories of widgets within the grid system:

  • General Statistics: Provides statistics about general setup and hybrid working patterns, helping you understand overall trends and make informed decisions.

  • Situations to Look Into: Highlights critical situations such as meeting room shortages or peak office days.

  • Spotted Trends: Highlights significant trends proactively flagging changes in the workplace, such as a significant increase or decrease in bookings, changes on specific days, or consistently high or low capacity utilization.

    ⚠️ Widgets in the "Spotted Trends" category are only shown if a significant trend is detected or the priority is high enough.

Factors such as your admin role, general access to certain features (add-ons like Occupancy or Parking, etc.), and relevance are considered to determine the priority and visibility of a widget. This ensures that each widget serves a purpose and contributes to providing you with the most relevant insights.

These smart widgets give you a quick glance at what matters. Suppose you want to learn more about the trends and insights on the homepage. In that case, you can click on any widget to find additional resources (support articles, blog posts, etc.) or be directed to the corresponding report in Mapiq Analytics for a deeper dive into the presented trends/insights.

Note: The new homepage is still a work in progress and does not include insights on workspace occupancy, parking bookings, or meeting room bookings based on calendar integrations.

General Statistics

Booked Office Days

What’s the expected office occupancy?

The "Office Days" widget displays the expected office occupancy and its comparison to the global portfolio of buildings. It shows the number of employees expected to be in the office each day of the week.

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In addition to the current week, you can view data for the past three and future weeks. This allows you to track office occupancy trends and share information with relevant parties such as catering, security, and office managers. It helps in planning and resource allocation.


Accessible to all admin roles except Analytics Viewers.


Always visible; particularly relevant when employees actively book workdays through Mapiq.

Links To

Clicking on it will direct you to the Employee Behavior Report.


What is the current balance between office and remote work habits among employees?

The "Habits" widget provides insights into employees' work habits regarding office days and remote work. It displays statistics on hybrid working patterns over the past 30 days for all buildings or a specific building. This data helps you understand how employees adapt to hybrid work models and inform your strategic efforts to cultivate a hybrid workplace.

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Here's what the different definitions mean:

  • Mostly working at the office: > = 2.9 office days

  • Flexible habits: > 1.0 and < 2.9 office days

  • Mostly working remotely: < = 1.0 office days


Accessible to all admin roles except Analytics Viewers.


Always visible; particularly relevant when employees actively book workdays through Mapiq.

Links To

Clicking on it will direct you to the Employee Behavior Report.

Situations to Look Into

Meeting Room Peak Hours

Which days in the last four weeks had the highest likelihood of employees being unable to find a meeting room?

The "Meeting Room Peak Hours" widget provides insights into the days when meeting rooms were most likely occupied over the last four weeks. The data is collected from sensors and indicates the days when 70% of the meeting rooms were in use. The graph compares the occupancy rate during those days with the total number of meeting rooms available. Using this information, you can identify the busiest times and make necessary adjustments to ensure that meeting rooms are readily accessible.


Accessible to all admin roles except Analytics Viewers.


Only visible for subscriptions with the Occupancy Add-on.

🚨 If you're unsure whether the Occupancy Add-On is included in your package or if you would like to acquire it, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Links To

Clicking on it will direct you to the Meeting Room Occupancy Report.

Spotted Trends

Most Occupied Rooms

Which meeting rooms are most popular?

The "Most Occupied Rooms" widget displays the top three meeting rooms with the highest occupancy in the selected building or all buildings over the past four weeks. It also shows the total occupancy of the room with the highest usage. This information can help you identify the most popular rooms and adjust their allocation, capacity, or available amenities to maximize use.

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Accessible to all admin roles.


Only visible for subscriptions with the Occupancy Add-on.

🚨 If you're unsure whether the Occupancy Add-On is included in your package or if you would like to acquire it, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Links To

Clicking on it will direct you to the Meeting Room Occupancy Report.

Note: This widget requires the configuration of meeting rooms within the selected building or global portfolio of buildings.

Expected Busyness

Which floors or offices will be most busy?

The "Expected Busyness" widget highlights the floors or offices with a projected booking rate of over 70% in a specific building or subscription. It allows you to anticipate busy periods and ensure sufficient resources, capacity, and support are in place.

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Accessible to all admin roles.


Only visible when workspace bookings for the subscription AND at least two floors are available and published.

Links To

Clicking on it will direct you to the Workspace Bookings Report.

In-Office Collaboration

Which days and floors/offices do group bookings most frequently drive collaboration?

The "In-Office Collaboration" widget provides information on the days and offices where employees frequently organize group activities based on their workspace bookings. It shows the average number of accepted group workspace bookings for each workday over the past four weeks. This data reveals patterns and preferences for in-office collaboration, allowing you to facilitate teamwork and optimize space utilization.

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Accessible to all admin roles.


Always visible; particularly relevant for subscriptions with group workspace bookings.

Links To

Clicking on it will direct you to the Workspace Bookings Report.

💬 Need More Help?

If you’d like extra assistance, reach out via the Messenger (question mark in the corner) and chat with our support team, or email us at [email protected].

We’re always ready to help! 😉

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