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Creating announcements
Updated over 3 months ago

Workplace leaders want to share changes in the workplace policies, events or when a floor of a building is closed. Currently, tools like email or SharePoint or any other internal communication tool are leveraged. While that may be fine for generic workplace related communication, for location specific events, Mapiq is a much more suitable place!


Mapiq allows the Subscription Administrators to create, edit and delete an announcement. An overview of the active and historical announcements can be find under the Settings tab on the This overview shows the occasion, the [period the announcement is visible for end-users and what users are targeted.

Creating an announcement

When creating an announcement take the field in the table below into consideration.






A brief description of the announcement.



Content of the announcement.



A URL to an (external) page for more information.

(start- and end date)


Start and end date for when the message will be displayed.



Who should see the message? Options to choose between:

  • All users

  • Users with a booking (at a specific location)

    • Building

    • Floor (optional)

    • Area (optional)

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to >> Settings

  2. Scroll down until you see Announcements and click on Edit.

  3. Fill in the fields as explained in the table.

  4. Target the audience according to your whishes.

  5. Click Create and your announcement is live.

Multiple announcements can be created, the announcements will stack. The latest published announcement will show first and after being dismissed the later announcement will be viewed.

When the first message of a stack of messages is not dismissed it could be a user would not be able to see the other messages!

In case you create an announcement and it's going live on the same day as you create it, an alert is triggered informing you that everybody will immediately see your announcement. Acknowledge that this is okay, by confirming.

In case the start date is later than the creation date of the announcement, then this alert will not be shown!

Editing your announcement

You can edit active or future announcement that have been created. Depending on whether the announcement is already active (visible to users) or will be activated still, different fields are adjustable. Find the adjustable fields below.

Active announcement

Future announcements







Timeframe (End date only)

Timeframe (start- and end date)


To edit your announcement, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings and scroll down until Announcements.

  2. Click on Edit.

  3. Find the announcement you want to adjust and click on the pencil icon to adjust your announcement.

  4. Adjust your announcement and the adjustable fields and confirm.

Changes will not be visible to the employees that already dismissed the announcement. The admin is informed of this when making the change.

Removing an announcement

All announcements can be removed. If you remove an active announcement, people will no longer see it. An admin is warned when trying to remove an active announcement and has to confirm. To remove an announcement please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings and scroll down until Announcements.

  2. Click on Edit.

  3. Find the announcement you want to adjust and click on the trash can icon.

  4. Confirm for full deletion.

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We’re always ready to help! 😉

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