In most cases, users will create their bookings. However, Mapiq also offers the option for administrators to create, edit, and delete bookings on behalf of users or guests. This feature is useful when a user's quota is exceeded but must still be present in the office.
Booking a Workspace on Behalf of Someone Else
Log in to the admin portal at
Go to the People tab.
Click on the user you'd like to book on behalf of (select the name, not the checkbox). A new page will open, displaying the user's details on the left and their calendar overview on the right (the employee app view).
Click on the day you'd like to make a workspace booking for the user.
Depending on the active workspace booking policy (Mandatory or Optional), you may need to select a specific workspace for the user.
If desk booking is enabled for a specific area, you can select a particular desk for the user.
⚠️ By default, desks are suggested; however, if you want to select another desk, press "Change." If the suggested desk is okay, feel free to confirm the booking.
Booking a Workday on Behalf of Someone Else
Follow steps 1-4 from the "Booking a Workspace on Behalf of Someone Else" section.
The administrator can now specify a workday status, such as:
working remotely
not working
office day (a workspace booking)
Select the workday status and, if needed, choose a workspace (refer to the previous section).
⚠️ When max capacity is reached on the workspaces, administrators can still book an office day. If this is the case, we'll warn you in-app.
Deleting a Booking on Behalf of Someone Else
Log in to the admin portal at
Go to the People tab.
Click on the user you'd like to delete a booking on behalf of.
Click on the day the user has a booking.
In the new window that pops up, click "Delete booking" followed by "Delete."
Sending Email Overviews & Confirmations for Bookings
To send an email overview of all created bookings, follow steps 1-4 in the "Booking a Workspace on Behalf of Someone Else" section, then click "Email overview" at the top of the calendar overview in the user details page.
To send an email confirmation for a single booking, follow steps 1-5 in the "Deleting a Booking on Behalf of Someone Else" section, then click "Email confirmation."
Notification Center
Users will receive a message in their notification center when a booking is created, adjusted, or deleted using the Booking on Behalf feature. Notifications will also be sent when a building is closed due to closed days. On the mobile app, users can enable push notifications through their settings. After creating the booking, we'll send a confirmation to the user.