Day Overview & Week Overview

Efficiently manage your time with a detailed view of your day and week

Updated over a week ago

The Day View offers a comprehensive overview of your workday essentials. It displays your meetings, work location, and bookings (workspace or parking). The calendar view on the side lets you easily switch between days, while the new icons give you a glance at your upcoming work locations.

Day Overview

You can find all the information you need for your day in the Day Overview. Depending on the active add-ons and integrations available, you may have the following options:

  • Let your colleagues know if you're not working, working from home, or working at the office.

  • Book a workspace (e.g., floor, area, or desk) and potentially a parking spot.

  • Quickly view all your meetings and events for the day.

    ⚠️ Work calendar synchronization must be enabled in your subscription and activated by you through Your Profile.

  • Create a new event.

  • Easy access to your Connections working on the selected today (and where in the building).

    If check-in is available, and your connection has checked in, a green indicator appears next to the profile picture (or initials) to indicate they have checked in.

Week Overview

In addition to the Day View, you can access the Week Overview. On the web version ( of Mapiq, the Week Overview is directly adjacent to the Day Overview. On mobile, a slide bar is available above your Day Overview, and you can also toggle a Week Overview by clicking on the Week Overview icon.

Icons in Week Overview

To help you understand the icons visible in the Week Overview, here's a list of the icons with a brief description of their meaning:



No workday or workspace booking is created. Mapiq is unaware of where you'll work today.

You're working from the office. If only this icon is displayed, a workday booking is created. If the desk icon is added, it means a workspace is booked.

You're working from home.

You're not working today.

You've booked a parking spot for this day.

You've booked a workspace for this day.

Your connections that also have booked a workday or workspace.

The black bar before the date indicates your selected day.

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