In-App Notification Center
Updated over a week ago

To improve communication, you have access to Mapiq's in-app notification center. This is available in our web app ( and mobile application, providing real-time updates and changes that may impact your bookings.

By default, notifications will be turned off. However, you can enable them in the notification center, or the settings tab to you'd like information. For mobile app users, you can also choose to activate push notifications.

Types of Notifications You Can Receive

At the moment, we support the following types of notifications:

Notification Type


Booking on Behalf

A booking has been created, modified, or removed on your behalf.

Opening Days

A booking has been deleted due to an admin closing a location, either by adjusting a building's default opening days or adding/editing a closed building, floor, or area.

Notification Visuals

The color of the notification indicates its type:

Notification Color



A booking was made on your behalf


A booking was removed on your behalf


A booking was modified on your behalf

A blue dot in the notification center quickly identifies' Unread' notifications.

Managing Notifications

When you close the notification center, all notifications will be marked as 'Read.' Notifications are automatically removed after 30 days. If you prefer, you can turn off notifications at any time within your profile settings.

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