Removing Users from Mapiq
Updated over a week ago

Mapiq can be configured for Single Sign-On (SSO), allowing users to log in with their company credentials. While SSO enables users' automatic creation and updating in Mapiq, it doesn't automatically remove them. Users must be removed manually, and this article explains how.

Deleting a Single User

  1. Log in to the admin portal at

  2. Go to the People tab.

  3. Search for the user and click on their row to view the calendar overview.

  4. Click the "Delete."

Confirm the deletion in the pop-up screen, and the user will be removed.

Automatic Deletion of Inactive Users

Mapiq offers an optional feature to delete inactive users automatically. This helps reduce clutter, improve analytics data, save time, and address contractual obligations. The term 'inactive users' refers to those who have never logged in before and those who no longer actively use the application.

To set up automatic deletion based on a retention period:

  1. Go to Settings >> User Retention.

  2. Select "Delete after a period of inactivity (in days)."

  3. Set the desired retention period (minimum 180 days, maximum 900 days).

⚠️ With SSO configurations, users who don't exist in your Active Directory can't log in anymore. However, users who access Mapiq through Self Sign-Up (SSU) can still log in after leaving your company as long as they know their credentials. It's advised to remove these users manually.

Bulk Deleting Users

  1. Log in to the admin portal at

  2. Go to the People tab.

  3. Check the boxes next to the users you want to delete.

  4. Scroll up and click "Edit."

A new pop-up will appear; click "Delete" to bulk delete the users.

⚠️ Mapiq processes each user separately during bulk deletion, so removing only around 30 users at a time is advised.

Tips for Bulk Deletion

  • Use the top checkbox to select all users visible on the page with one click (30 users at a time).

  • Combine filters on the People tab and profiles to target users you want to delete. For example, please create a user deletion profile in quota profiles and upload users to be deleted, or filter by Inactive users and delete them accordingly.

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