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Mapiq for Admins
Parking Management
Individually Assigning Users to Parking Profiles
Individually Assigning Users to Parking Profiles
Updated over a week ago

After creating your parking quota and parking location profiles, you can start assigning users to these profiles. Once users are assigned, the parking profile policies will be enforced for those users.

Individual Assignment

Individually assigning users to a profile is ideal when you need to adjust profiles for a small group of users. Still, you also have the option to bulk assign users to profiles.

To adjust the profile of an individual, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the People Tab.

  2. Within the list of users, search for and click on the user whose profile you want to adjust.

  3. The User Overview will pop up, displaying the user's profiles and weekly schedule. This screen can also be used for booking on behalf of someone else.

  4. On the left side menu, click the "Edit" button.

  5. "Parking Quota Profile" and "Parking Location Profile" will change to a dropdown menu. You can select from all available parking quota- or parking location profiles in that dropdown menu.

  6. Finish by pressing "Save" in the top corner.

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